Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Some Luck

That was possibly the briefest book discussion we have ever had.  We found the beginning impossibly tedious and the overall story dull and mundane.  Kareen said that she grew up on a farm and it sounded like her life, which had been just about as interesting.  Mary found the silk purse from the sow's ear when she thought that the slow nuanced character development is meant to carry these characters all the way through three books.  She said this is not a stand-alone book and plans to read all three.  Several of us were unable to finish this first book!

We turned our discussion to development of the list we're building of book titles for 2016.  At 1:45 Jana, the programming librarian, came in to talk to the group and answer any questions they might have about how to continue without a moderator after my move.  They talked first about the character of our group and how they would like to see it continue as it is.  Jana suggested that we develop some simple rules that can be read at the beginning of a meeting so any new person can know what to expect.  She is going to prepare something and bring it to the next meeting.  Meanwhile Angela asked that we return to using name tags and I will bring them next time also.

Mary has been thinking about why our group has been so successful and why her granddaughter's book club hasn't so wrote down four elements that she thinks are key:  1) Neutral meeting place; 2) Set time and day; 3) A list is developed in advance so what to read next is not in question; 4) No refreshments are served.  We talked a lot about how to keep small discussions from breaking out and overshadowing the main discussion.  Kathy said she worries that when everyone gets so excited, that we'll start talking over one another.  Jana will put something about that in the "rules."

As we were concluding with Jana, I asked who would be our library liaison.  She laughed and said she supposed it would be her, but then she had a second thought - or Aurora she offered.  I was delighted and said so.  I am on Good Reads with Aurora so already know that she reads many of the same books that we do and would be a great asset.  And then Jana stunned us all by offering Aurora as a meeting participating facilitator.  Of course, she first had to go talk to Aurora who came into the room looking a little like a deer in the headlights.  But she instantly warmed to the idea and enthusiastically agreed.  She will come to the next meeting as an observer, and Lord willing and the creeks don't rise, I'll be in Oregon by the following meeting.  Or not.

After Jana left we talked about books in general and how we use them.  Mary had heard it said that a home without books is a house without a soul.   JoAnne contributed that although she never rereads a book, she had about 25 books that she has kept over the years, regarding them as friends and reminders of times gone by.  The Tuesday Book Club is alive and well and set to continue to 2016 and beyond!

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