Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Dog's Purpose

This was the most unusual book club meeting we've ever had, since there really is nothing to develop a discussion around. We did have discussion around Senora's comment: "There are no bad dogs, Bobby, just bad people. they just need love," to which Bobby replied: "Sometimes they're broke inside, senora. And nuthin' will help 'em" We talked about that in the context of Todd and a number of us said that Todd reminded us of the movie, "The Bad Seed."

We just talked about the book as we remembered it, and the things that we liked - we laughed a lot, though we all admitted to crying at different points in the book. We also talked about what the dog(s) learned over four lives about purpose: to love, comfort, find, show and save. It was more conversation than discussion and it lasted two hours. The conversation migrated into story telling and more laughter.

We were twelve today, the largest we've been in a long time. The discussion remained round table in spite of the large group, a quality of our group that I admire very much. Ultimately, we started talking about e-readers as there were six present, and were Kareen not on vacation, it would have been 13, pushing us over the 50% mark. Cathy laughed at us, remembering the conservation a couple years back when we all cringed at the thought of not reading in paper. Today Joann was asking for our feedback as she is interested. We all jumped in, telling her about about easy it is to check ebooks out from the library. Cathy is right. We have certainly changed our tunes.

We thanked JoAnn for recommending this book for January, as it was just what the doctor ordered after the chaos of the holidays. She also reminded us that we're reading A Tale of Two Cities for next month and to get cracking!