Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Inheritance of Loss

We were a wee small group that met for this book on Tuesday. They said they were glad to say they liked the book after last months selection - I'm so sorry that was a dog since it was my suggestion. This one gave a very good look at post-Raj India and all the factions that make up modern India today, though we missed having a single protagonist to identify with. It was more like reading a movie.

We didn't have an explanation for why the judge because so embittered and cruel, compared with Gyan and Biju. All were sons their families gave everything up in order that they might be educated and profitable.

We enjoyed the narrative from the neighbors and friends which gave insight into the dilemma of the middle class - they envied the British and emulated them while loathing the Indians.

Inheritance of Loss - what an appropriate title. The question we had was what could any of them hope for. We wondered if Sai would ever be able to leave, Kareen wondered if she and Biju would end up together, if Gyan was completely lost, what would happen to the sisters who were losing the property to squatters. The book concluded but there was really was no ending.

We talked a little about looking at next years list to see if we might find some upbeat books that will still provide grist for discussion. Next month is the Christmas potluck!!

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